Business for Peace
The costs of conflict cannot be calculated only in economic terms; they are indelibly etched in the collective memories of those who have suffered injury and injustice. It would be simplistic to think that all it takes to heal the social wounds from conflict is to build a factory and create some jobs. Nevertheless, overcoming the hardships and indignities of poverty can help pave the road to recovery. And that is why some of the most important unsung heroes on the front lines of peacebuilding are the businesses that had the courage and foresight to invest in the people and places ready for a new beginning.
JB works with companies to help ensure that their investments are a win-win for all. We are here to help businesses succeed as partners in regions transitioning from conflict to peace.
While cautious investors might want to steer clear of all but the most stable and secure locations, there are opportunity costs to such conservatism.
Before undertaking direct investments in fragile regions, businesses need to ask themselves how well they understand the people, culture, and history in the places where they are considering investing. When companies are guided by a strong commitment to ethics and human rights, this creates conditions for lasting trust among the community partners.
In Fragile and Conflict-affected States (FCSs) from Afghanistan to the Democratic Republic of Congo, we work with businesses and organizations with the objective that their engagements meet their investment objectives while enhancing peace, stability, and prosperity of local communities. Do the potential investors, the prospective host country, and local communities have a realistic shared understanding of what may be ahead? Our advice is unvarnished by conflicts of interest or wishful thinking. At JB, our concern is not to chart a path to maximum profits, but to assess the prospects for benefits for both the investors and local stakeholders.
We begin by noting the distinction between negative peace, which refers to a lack of hot conflict, and positive peace, which refers to the conditions that contribute to social flourishing. At JB, we believe that if a potential investment is not likely to contribute to positive peace, it falls short of the threshold needed for justifying direct investment. At JB we have all had experience working in developing countries and regions in conflict. We are also supported by a network of colleagues on the ground in regions around the world.
Business for Peace Services
The following are some of the services we offer pertaining to Business for Peace.
Ongoing Communications Planning
We can develop communications strategies and practical programs for effective communications between investors and local stakeholders.
Training Workshops
We design training workshops to support the implementation of programs.